As part of our work to present as much of our trail network as possible on Trailforks we’ve started a project to try to grab a short video of each and all of our favourite trails. This is a huge job but slowly we’ll get there, we’re sure!
The area of Berguedà has an enormous trail network. Only the official trails are over 2000 km. Besides that we have probably the double in unmarked trails. The trails we actually put on Trailforks is a maximum of 10% of the available trails. Right now we have more than 50000 vertical meters of trails that we actively ride… That’s a lot, for sure one of the bigger trail networks in the Pyrenees. And close to Barcelona the biggest without a doubt.
One idea that Pär has is to do a RAW GoPro edit of the trails. These videos aren’t that interesting unless you’re actually planning to visit us – then they are really really useful. Of course the GoPro video removes a lot of the sensation of difficulty and steepness but it should give a lot of input on the type of ground and riding that waits the rider investing in doing a certain trail.
If you are planning to visit, make sure to subscribe to our YouTube-channel and have a look at the Raw Trail Edits.

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